
Verification on EXMO

The verification process on EXMO may seem complicated, but if you just follow some simple steps, the process is extremely straightforward and easy. This article will walk you through the basic verification steps required to start trading on the EXMO platform.

Who is Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto?

Many people may wonder who Satoshi Nakamoto is. Probably the pseudonym belongs to more than one person. Whoever she or he is, the developer must be rich. He has mined several early blocks of bitcoin, by now he has about one million bitcoins.

Cashback on EXMO

Would you like to learn how to save up to 100% on trading commission on EXMO? Let us show how to get the maximum return via cashback.

Trading Commissions, Cashback and Premium Cashback Tariff Grids on EXMO

Tariff grids for Cashback, Premium Cashback and trading commissions. All you need to know about basic principles of the rate policy on EXMO in one article!

How to enable two-factor authentication (2FA)?

Two-factor authentication is a ‘must-have’ security measure for all financial services in the 21st-century. Please do not neglect the security of your funds.

How to set up Google Authenticator?

Google Authenticator is an app for generating one-time authentication (TOTP) codes. The application is supported by Android phones, iPhone and BlackBerry, and can also work without an Internet connection.

Support on EXMO. How does it work?

EXMO cryptocurrency platform is continually improving the performance including support services. Find out the answers to any questions about EXMO support.

Reach more profit on EXMO – gain 25% more

EXMO cryptocurrency platform provides the affiliate program for active traders. Get up to 25% profit with the EXMO affiliate program.