Tag: Monero (XMR)
EXMO to delist Monero (XMR)

Please note, Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency will soon be delisted from the EXMO exchange. XMR deposits will be terminated on 01st July 2021. XMR trading will be terminated on 15th July 2021. Coin withdrawal will only be possible until 01st September 2021.

Monero (XMR) Cryptocurrency: Overview of the most anonymous coin on the market

Monero (XMR) is an open source decentralised cryptocurrency that relies on the protection of counterparty privacy and transactions being completed with anonymity. In this article, you will learn how Monero achieves anonymisation and how the token stands out.

EXMO Will Support Monero Network Upgrade

EXMO Cryptocurrency Platform will support the upcoming upgrade of Monero (XMR) network planned for the 30th of November 2019 (reaching block 1978433). Due to this circumstance XMR Deposits and Withdrawals will be temporarily suspended.

Monero Transactions Are Temporarily Suspended

Cryptocurrency platform EXMO informs on the temporary suspension of Monero deposits and withdrawals due to update of Monero network.

EXMO official statement on Monero hard fork

EXMO crypto-platform does not intend to add and credit Monero V due to the fact that Monero V did not undergo the necessary security verifications.

EXMO integrates trendy cryptos Monero and Tether

EXMO, the cryptocurrency market has recently extended its number of trade instruments. In particular, it is now possible to experience two new cryptocurrencies – Monero (XMR) and Tether (USDT): XMR/BTC, XMR/USD, XMR/EUR, BTC/USDT, USDT/RUB.

Three new cryptocurrencies on EXMO cryptocurrency exchange

EXMO cryptocurrency exchange announces the integration of three new cryptocurrencies to the platform: Ripple, Monero, Tether.