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Don’t keep change: convert small balances into EXMO Coin

EXMO has launched a dust conversion feature that easily allows the exchange of small balances into EXM tokens. Find out how to benefit from crypto dust.

As promised, we have added an important update – the ability to convert crypto dust into EXMO Coin (EXM).

Crypto dust is a small amount of cryptocurrency left in an account after a trade or transaction. Usually, dust is not used in any way and accumulates on balances for a long time. However, now you can easily put these funds to good use by simply exchanging them for EXMO Coin, the native token of the EXMO exchange.

You can convert any asset on your balance into EXM whose value is no greater than $5. This feature is not available for coins delisted from EXMO.

Received EXM can be used for buying EXMO products and services, including EXMO Premium packages, which offer discounts on trading fees up to 100%. EXM tokens are also suitable for active trading and long-term holding.

How to convert dust into EXMO Coin

You can exchange your remaining balances in EXM on the web version of the EXMO platform in just a few clicks. For this you need to:

  1. Go to the “Wallet” section.
  2. Click on the Convert small balances to EXM button. Now you can see all coins available for conversion. You can exchange several cryptocurrencies at the same time. Assets greater than $5 are not displayed in the list.
  3. Select an asset or several cryptocurrencies for conversion by clicking the checkmark next to each asset. Below you will see the approximate amount of EXM that you will receive after converting the selected coins.
  4. Click on the “Convert to EXM” button.

That’s all! Your dust will be successfully converted to EXM. Tokens will be credited to your account instantly.

You can convert small balances to EXM once within a 12-hour period. All details on operations can be viewed by clicking on the “Conversion history” button.

Trade even more profitably on EXMO and don’t forget to follow our news so you don’t miss other new, cool updates!

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