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EXMO turns 7 today

Our exchange celebrates its seventh birthday today. Thank you for your support and input over these years.

EXMO celebrates 7th birthday

How fast time flies, and how fast kids get older. Seven years is indeed a long time, especially for the crypto market. We started off when very few people knew about Bitcoin and nobody saw the potential in crypto trading. But we dared to believe in the future of crypto and over the course of 7 years, created a reliable and convenient place to trade digital assets. And that’s not just words.

According to CryptoCompare, EXMO ranks 7th in terms of legality. During the past year, we have received a temporary registration by the Financial Conduct Authority and are planning to obtain a permanent one in the near future. And here’s the icing on our birthday cake: without you, all this wouldn’t have been possible.

Thank you for staying with us through thick and thin, sharing joyful moments, and being understanding when we needed it the most. We can go on and on about how much we appreciate your input, but let’s better agree to keep having fun storming this castle.

Your EXMO team